Water Jetting

Sewer and drain backups occur for a variety of reasons. Grease buildup is probably among the worst of all sewer and drain clogs.

If your sewer line has grease buildup, cabling the sewer to restore flow is an option. However, cabling a grease-laden drain does not offer optimum results. The grease may remain soft, in which case, the cable passes through and is removed as a table knife does in peanut butter. Meaning, the grease closes behind the cable. If grease hardens, (it will, given enough time) be penetrable. However, the blockage reacts much the same way as clay would to a toothbrush. The hardened grease can be eroded, against the friction of the cable and cutting blade. The question remains, ‘How much of the grease was removed and how big of an opening did the sewer cable make in the hardened grease?’

Fortunately, by today’s standards of drain and sewer cleaning technology, we have “high-pressure water jetting”. Take a look at the video…