Rain leaders lead water away from a shelter. Underground or above ground, they are an effective means of protecting the foundation of a building. However, there is no proof positive method of preventing them from becoming clogged with debris or just organic ‘muck’. Underground rain leaders may also become a home for rodents or root intrusion. Above ground, a rain leader is a bit more manageable for preventing and clearing a blockage. However, many people prefer to run the rain leader beneath ground, as the rain leader laying above ground presents many hazards and is a distraction when looking to present curb appeal.
Having extensions on a rain leader installed above ground are a trip hazard, nuisance, unappealing and make lawn care cumbersome.
In Ground Installation of Rain Leaders
In Ground Installation of Rain Leaders
Installation of in- ground rain leaders is an attractive feature. The idea of not having rain water pooling in the yard gives peace of mind and is kind of intriguing. “Where does it go?” However, there is some worry attached to the possibility of having a blockage on the buried rain leader. “How will I fix that? How much will it cost?”
Clearing a Blockage from an Underground Rain Leader
A blockage in an underground rain leader is no longer a thing to be concerned with. Contact a sewer and drain cleaning company. Today’s technology for sewer and drain cleaning is also used in clearing blockages from underground rain leaders. Jetting, or pressure bladders are the instrument preferred. However, it is also possible to relieve a blockage with a cable. High pressure water cannot always be used due to the possibility of having corrugated pipe buried in the yard as the conductor for the rain leader. High pressure can tear the pipe apart or a high pressure jetter hose may lodge in the earth when penetrating the pipe. If jetting is preferred, it is best to ask the drain cleaning technician to use caution and begin jetting with low pressure.